Sunday, July 10, 2022

Derrida Deconstruction

Hello reader:) This blog is about thinking activity and flipped learning task which is given by Dilip Barad sir

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This flipped learning about Structuralism and Derrida's Deconstruction About this Blog

Jacques Derrida:

“Structure Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences”

(from The Structuralist Controversy, ed. Richard Macksey and Donato E. Baltimore: The John Hopkins Uni Press 1970)

Define deconstruction:

Deconstruction, as applied in the criticism of literature, designates a theory and practice of reading which questions and claims to "subvert" or "undermine" the assumption that the system of language provides grounds that are adequate to establish the boundaries, the coherence or unity, and the determinate meanings of a literary text. Typically, a deconstructive reading sets out to show that conflicting forces within the text itself serve to dissipate the seeming definiteness of its structure and meanings into an indefinite array of incompatible and undecidable possibilities.


One very much important question Derrida asking throughout his entire career he is whether it is possible to define Something once and for all rigorously and whether and what are its limits to what extent can you define something basic question Derrida Deconstruction is cannont be once for all finally define Derida is different and difficult to understand reason Why deconstruction is very difficult idea to define Derrida says that it's not a destructive activity it's not something breaking down something for sake of destruction but what Derrida is doing is inquiring  into the condition or what causes a philosophical system to stand up On its Feet and fall down what are the conditions which. makes philosophical or in election System possible so he is inquiring to the foundation and also inquiring in the condition of why something cannot be defined or a System. 


Heidegger along with Freud and Nietzschie are three important thinkers which Derrida acknowledges in lys. very famous as a structure sign and play as the ideas in these Philosophers are in many way continuted by Derriada. Heidegger and his philosophy deals with some very important theme which Derrida continues in his own philosophy one of the theme is question of deconstruction when the term destruction in German is translated as deconstruction into French so that is direct connection between Heidegger and Derrida 

 Heidegger's philosophy  pointed out that the western tradition of philosophy avoided or repressed or neglected the question of being of beings now this is again very abstract but beings he implies entities like this for this Mic or table or Person but the western philosophy refused look at the mode Of their existence mode of their existence mode of their being the way these things are so it avoids question of being of beings and so Heidegger Want to destroy our dismantle entire tradition of western philosophy by pursuing the question of being Of being his very famous book Called being time he says that he has taken up a project of transforming the way Westerns think  he is trying to transform but he is at tying to transform but he is trying to transform the way western people think right so  that's a very ambitious project which had occur has taken up and Derrida in many ways continues this project of deconstruction. 


Ferdinand Saussure Writing that relationship between word and meaning is not natural but it's conventional. Metaphysics of Presence is again a term  that is taken from Heidegger and that is the connecting link between Heidegges and Derrida; what Heideggen pointed out by metaphysics of presents is that when we consider being of something. Saussure says there are no positive elements in language but only negative ones Presence of something can only be understood as absence of Something else and that bias is built into western philosophy. 


Saussurean idea that meaning is something that is in the mind is what he challenge here he seems to imply that the meaning Of one signifier is not one simified but another signifier which leads to another signifier and till infinity it never stops so this is the chain of significations of signifiers this is a chain of signifiers which never stops now this not how we look at the meaning and dictionary  but Derrida is drawing attention to the fact that we take for granted we assume that we have understood thing while what we have actually done is we have stopped asking the question What is the meaning of this word. 


Paper structure, sign and Play is very important. document of contemporary literary theory. inaugurates what is known as post structuralism in 1967 by post structuralism we mean not out rejection or criticism Of structuralism but going beyond by critiquing structuralism. Structuralism when it began it began as a cincism or attack on metaphysics on one hand and Science on another science was the predominant way of getting knowledge in the west. structuralism Falls prey to what it wants to prey upon that is science and Metaphysics. 


Yale School and university play a very important role in propagation of Derrida's ideas in America Paul, J. Hillis Miller,Harold Bloom, Geoffrey Hautman, made Deconstruction very popular or unpopular. People called them the yale hermeneutic mafia because of yale deconstruction becoming a new literary criticism earlier it was largely in the domain of Philosophy. 


Yale School was primarily preoccupied with the Rhetorical and figurative analysis of literary texts and demonstrating that literally text has multiple range of meaning was one of the most important preoccupation Of Yale School as against critical approaches like cultural  Materalism or Feminism gender theory Post colonial studies all them influenced by Derrida's writing for post colonial theory fascinated by its ability to show that the texts Or the discourse of Colonizers can be deconstructed from within the narratives. 

Other video

In this lecture on Derrida and the origins of deconstruction, Professor Paul Fry explores two central Derridian works: "Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of Human Sciences" and "Différance." Derrida's critique of structuralism and semiotics, particularly the work of Levi-Strauss and Saussure, is articulated. Deconstruction's central assertions that language is by nature arbitrary and that meaning is indeterminate are examined. Key concepts, such as the nature of the text, discourse, différance, and supplementarity are explored. The idea is that Deconstruction is,as a thought process, precisely a kind of evasive dance whereby one doesn't settle For distinct positions for any sort of idea that can be understood as governed this is what structure, sign and play is all about as governed by a blanket term, what Derrida often calls a transcendental signified. Derrida is quoting Levi Strauss on the Nature Of Myth Levi's analysis Of the Oedipus  Myth and shows  you how it is that Derrida is both benefiting from what Levi Strauss has said and ultimately able to criticize Levi 'strauss' position. In this second lecture on deconstruction, Professor Paul Fry concludes his consideration of Derrida and begins to explore the work of Paul de Man. Derrida's affinity for and departure from Levi-Strauss's distinction between nature and culture are outlined. De Man's relationship with Derrida, their similarities and differences--particularly de Man's insistence on "self-deconstruction" and his reliance on Jakobson--are discussed. The difference between rhetoric and grammar, particularly the rhetoricization of grammar and the grammaticization of rhetoric, is elucidated through de Man's own examples taken from "All in the Family," Yeats' "Among School Children," and the novels of Proust. Derrida and Levi Strauss the essay relly seems to stage itself critique of Levi Strauss to a remarkable degree confessed or unconfessed it stands on the Shoulders of Levi Strauss Derrida's distinction between writing and speech-writing ecriture He just insisting that we cannot understand writing to be derivative. speech in order to reproduce, imitate, or transcribe Speech. Video is a debate about the concept of Communication for Shorthand Purpose and set of assumptions about language and discourse that post structuralism wants to Challenge for those who may already be familiar with some Of these issues.This is the first entry in an introduction to Poststructuralism. Focusing especially on the concept of communication and its constituent metaphors, this video (in 3 parts) is designed to introduce students and others to some aspects of continental critical theory, especially those that tend to appear in graduate and undergraduate curricula in the humanities.

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